What I Accidentally Found on the Shelf at Barnes and Noble That I Couldn’t Believe…

My husband and I spend a lot of time in Barnes and Noble. We love books.. and besides, the cafe makes a great quiche. Every time we go there, it’s my custom to explore the children’s section (of course) where it’s always fun to see which of my titles they’re carrying.

Last week I was thrilled to see several copies of Twas the Evening of Christmas all lined up on the shelf as part of their brand-new Christmas display. So… we had our quiche and coffee, we sat and read for a while, and then we put our coats on to leave. But just as I was heading to the door, I stumbled upon an AMAZING discovery! There, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something on the shelf that looked familiar. Guess what it was????

A BOX SET OF SNUGGLE TIME! I snatched it from the shelf and turned it over and over in my hands, examining every last minute detail. (I might have been squealing a little too.) Just in time for your Christmas shopping, Barnes & Noble have taken Snuggle Time PrayersSnuggle Time Psalms and Snuggle Time Christmas and created a lovely box-set gift edition called Snuggle Time StoriesLook how cute it is!

I was so excited that I promptly ordered my hubby to video the discovery… and as you can see and hear, I was a little lost for words and couldn’t quite remember exactly what I was holding. Anyway, when you have a new baby, you just want the whole world to see it… right?

Happy gift-giving!

9 thoughts on “What I Accidentally Found on the Shelf at Barnes and Noble That I Couldn’t Believe…

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