Why a Dead Flower Pod Might be Better For Our Kids than an iPod….

So his little four year old legs are pedaling fast, and his yellow helmet leads the way. I’m almost running with the stroller, trying to keep up. When suddenly, my grandson stops pedaling and jumps down from his bike. He has seen something that interests him, something so ordinary that most would pass by without a second glance. But not him.

He’s mesmerized by a dying flower garden.

Look at this Grandma! He shouts in excitement.

He’s holding a brown stem, with a fat pod at the top. It’s just a dead flower head. Most would think that all its beauty has long since faded. But he knows something different. He knows that inside that pod, a secret is hidden. Something is waiting in there. And no one knows how many seeds it contains. No one knows what color they are.

We stop. Because this is the beauty of being a grandma: we have time.

He collects. Lots.

Back at home, we spill the pods onto the table, where he proceeds to prise open each one, slowly and carefully. He will not miss a single seed. They all go into his bag.

Xander opening seeds

His favorite ones are those that are perfectly black and round, like teeny tiny bouncy balls. And when one accidentally rolls on to the floor, he’s on his little hands and knees, searching for it like it’s missing treasure. He doesn’t stop until he finds it.

And while the world bombards our children with screens, and sounds; with toys that light up, and buzz and flash in their efforts to entertain, I get to share my days with one who is delighted by simple seeds, and mushrooms, and the sound of cicadas in the trees.

And I’m reminded of a dark summer’s night, long ago, when the evening sky was pierced with a zillion twinkling lights, and how that same little boy took my hand in his and said, in his wonderful three year-old way:

Grandma, look at the stars. Aren’t they marvelous?

And these days, these moments, these precious times, they are marvelous to me.

How are you fostering a sense of wonder in your children, your grandchildren, or your children’s ministry?

10 thoughts on “Why a Dead Flower Pod Might be Better For Our Kids than an iPod….

  1. Natalie

    Pretty marvelous indeed. I see so much magic and beauty every time I look at Sam. He does the same, a branch is like a sword, or a leaf on the ground has to be stomped on or the rocks he collects on our walks. I need more time with him is my only wish – coming soon, coming soon, right! 🙂

  2. Kathryn Ross

    Love this, Glenys! I know the Lord better for taking the time to study His character through the beauty of what He has created! Today’s children miss so much for the brain-drain of multi-media. I’m sharing this–a kindred thought to be sure!

  3. Martha Orlando

    My little granddaughter is the same way, so interested in leaves and twigs, flowers and nuts. Isn’t wonderful that the little ones notice the things we would ordinarily pass by? No wonder Jesus told us we must become as little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
    Blessings, Glenys!

  4. Jean Hartman

    Wonderful reminder of our time with precious grandchildren. Thank you for sharing this reflection and reminder to take time for our little ones who can be our teachers!!

    1. Glenys Post author

      Thanks so much Jean…..I just led a training on Children’s Spirituality and whenever I do so, I am reminded that I must let the child teach me!

  5. Ken McCaw

    You have a marvelous capacity to experience life as a young chil does, and a greater capacity to tell a story with simplicity, vividness, and unusual charm. Thank you.


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