Mouse’s Christmas Gift by Mindy Baker: Guest Post and Giveaway!

If you’re searching for a sweet Christmas picture book for children, you’ve come to the right place. Mouse’s Christmas Gift, written by Mindy Baker and illustrated by the talented Dow Phumiruk is as lovely as it looks…

Meet Mouse, the hero of the tale, who lives in a church… as all church mice do. One winter morning, calamity falls: Parson is sick and it looks like Christmas will be cancelled. But this little mouse is on a big mission and manages, against all the odds, to keep the hope, joy and spirit of Christmas alive.

I’m delighted to welcome Mindy to my blog today as she shares ‘Five Fun Facts About Mouse’s Christmas Gift’. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end!

Five Fun Facts About Mouse’s Christmas Gift, by Mindy Baker

  1. Mouse’s Christmas Gift was originally entitled Mouse’s Hope. Sometimes when I refer to the book I still call it by the original name. I’m very happy with the title though, it definitely helps the reader know that it is a Christmas book.
  2. If you look closely at each page, Mouse is “hidden” in several scenes.  Children will adore finding him tucked away in the illustrations.  Look carefully on page 2 (front of the church), page 23 (the window ledge), page 24 (back of the church), and page 28 (in the Nativity set).
  3. In the original manuscript, when Alexander went to hang up the wreath, he tore down the note about the cancelled service. We decided to change it to him simply hanging the wreath over the note instead. If you look carefully at the door of the church on pages 17 & 18, the illustrations reflect that. The white paper remains, covered up by Alexander’s wreath.
  4. Can you spot the rabbit on the page where Parson’s wife is hanging the note on the door? Look carefully! You will find him!
  5. Dow Phumiruk, the talented illustrator, let me in on a little secret. Mouse could have been a black and white spotted color, or a gray color. She gave Zonderkidz a few options and they chose tan. I think Mouse is very handsome, don’t you?

I do Mindy! Thanks for sharing!

And now for the fun part! Zonderkidz have generously agreed to give a copy of Mouse’s Christmas Gift to one of my readers. To enter, simply leave a comment either right here, on this blog, or on the Facebook post. If you comment in both places, you’ll be entered twice. You must be a USA resident with a physical street address (no PO boxes.)

Good luck! The winner will be announced on Monday 19th November.

Download Mindy’s free guide to using Mouse’s Christmas Gift with children.

Connect with Mindy at her:




44 thoughts on “Mouse’s Christmas Gift by Mindy Baker: Guest Post and Giveaway!

  1. amy guillaume linderman

    oh my gosh i love this! my late grandmother collected mice and i still collect things with mice to remember her. so adorable!!

  2. Kristi

    What is it about children’s books that makes them so fun to collect, even when our kids are too old for them? This looks like such a fun book to share with friends’ kids or even future grandchildren (some day)! 😊

  3. Hannah Goldberg

    I haven’t yet read any books by Mindy Baker or by Glenys but I’m sure they are wonderful reads! We are expecting a new little one soon and I would love to be able to share this book with them!

  4. Judy Conner

    The book should be great with a mouse in it. I was called mouse in school because I was small and thin. My friends still call me that once in awhile.

  5. Deanne Patterson

    This looks absolutely adorable. My daughter would love looking at the pictures and practicing reading from it.

  6. Lauralee Hensley

    I’ll be honest here, great illustrations will often help me pick up a book to check out for the children. When I pick it up I’ll check out the words and the story second. This looks like an awesome book both in illustrations and in the story line.

  7. Pingback: Blog Tour #6 Five Fun Facts about MOUSE’S CHRISTMAS GIFT & a GIVE-AWAY – Mindy Baker Books

  8. Pingback: Fun posts about Mouse you don’t want to miss! – Mindy Baker Books

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